Anembryonic pregnancy/blighted ovum


I should be around 6.5 weeks now and went to the ER last night for some severe back pains that had me concerned.

They did a full blood and urine panel, all was well w both of them except for a slightly elevated white blood cell count which the doctor prescribed a mild antibiotic for as a precaution.

Then it was time for the ultrasound to confirm my pregnancy isn’t ectopic.

The tech did the transabdominal and asked if I was comfortable with a transvaginal because he couldn’t get a clear picture. Of course I consented, so he did one and said I’d have to wait for the radiologist to look at them.

The doctor came about 30 min later and explained that there is a healthy yolk sac and everything is as it should be but they were unable to locate a fetal pole. My hcg levels are well over 17,000 (I read that a heartbeat should be detectable when they reach 10,000) but there just is no baby. He said to keep my OB appointment that’s on the 17th and said there is a possibility that it’s just too early to see any notion of a fetus. Then he explained that in about 80% of cases similar to mine he’s seen, no baby ever comes to fruition and I’m likely to miscarry especially if there is no fetal development by the time my appointment comes.

Does anyone have experience with this? Naturally, I’m hoping against hope the little fellow is just late to the party and we will see him or her on the 17th but from what I’m reading online it doesn’t seem that’s very likely ☹️