Looking for guidance

This would be the saddest post i can probably write. How do you let someone go who means the world to you?

My boyfriend and i have been together for over 3 years. We talk about our future about marriage and starting a life together. We do not have issues with infidelity. So do not think the worst.

I feel like after 3 years we should be moving forward in life. Moving in atleast. Im not asking for ring bc deep down inside i know he would marry me. We talk about it all the time. we don’t go on dates and I’ve been asking to reconnect for a whole now and i get my feelings dismissed. Is it bc he’s not ready to face reality?

Here is the issue: i have given a time limit on when we need to move in and that is by October 25th which is our anniversary date or I’m walking out the door. I recently have been making plans for myself which is taking my civil service test in GA which i signed up for. He doesn’t agree with me moving to another state but i was willing to compromise for the sake of my relationship. I know we talked about moving in together but realistically, i have been in search for my own place. My boyfriend is not a planner and he is going to be 35 living at home

Still. He claims he is afraid to move bc he wants to be financially stable before making a decision. I believe he’s mother is to blame for way of life. She use to do everything for him, rub his feet and rub his back and started doing the same shit to me. I am your gf not your mother.

He thinks he is head of H/H bc he’s mother ask for his opinion on everything and he sits at the head of table while he’s father sits on the side. I feel like there is something wrong with that.

We had opened a savings account and we agreed that we would put away 100 a week to save up for the apartment but once again to my disappointment it has only been me putting money away. I dont like to have smoke blown up ass and don’t tell me your ready to do something and your really not willing to do it.

I’m at a point where i wanna fall back from my relationship and i want us to find that love we had for each other to find it with the right people. Ultimately we have hit a cross roads where I’m ready start journey without him if he is not willing to change and by the looks of it, i don’t think he would. He would rather see walk away then change.

I’m battling with this for a while now and i know what i need to do. Should i stay or let go of something that is already done for me at least.....

Broken Hearted 💔