Not eating real food?

Shianne • Beautiful little boy. 12/23/17 💙

My son will only eat purées in pouches & snacks (yogurt melts, ritz crackers, puffs, etc). I have NO idea how to get him to eat solid fruits and veggies. He’s always hated meat, so I try to give him pouches that have more iron & protein and stuff. But I’m so sick of the pouches.

He’s fully capable of eating it all, just refuses. He won’t even try them. But as soon as I pull a snack out, he acts like he hasn’t eaten in months.

He used to eat peas, cheese, banana, avocado. They were his favourites. Now he won’t touch any of them.

I thought it was textures but he won’t try them. I try to get the flavour in his mouth so he at least can taste it & know if he will like it sometimes he wants it but spits it out after he feels it.

His doctor isn’t concerned at all, but I am so annoyed haha

Has anyone else dealt with this? How did you get your LO to eat?

He’s been waking every night & im positive it’s cause he’s hungry. I just give him a bottle and he falls back asleep (used to sleep 12hrs solid when he was eating more)

Also: I do let him self feed, and try to feed him. No such luck on both