How would you feel if your fiance did this....

So I'm having a real battle inside myself at the moment and I need some advice...

My finance and I where watching fb videos on his phone, I tapped the search bar and a girl came up, it isn't the first time I have seen her name in his searches but never said anything as I guess I was afraid to know....but as he was right there I asked who it was, at first he said a friend and then later confessed it was his ex. So being a girl i put on my detective hat, there have been pictures of his ex in bed and one of him and her snuggled up together in bed, pop on his phone in the album's throughout our relationship, the last time I saw them I told him to delete them so that I never have to see them again as he claimed they automatically downloaded from messenger, so I asked him to get rid of them in messenger. Well low and behold I found them again, putting two and two together I looked on his page and it's the same ex....and these pictures are ones he has sent to the guys at his work (they have a group chat) to brag about. This has all happened in the span of our two year relationship, I asked why and he said curiosity but with a little more pushing he said he was bragging because she was hot and good in bed. It stings I'm not gonna lie it has hurt me hugely I am already insecure and he knows this and now I feel worthless. He has never ever taken pictures of me that way or bragged about me (not that i would want private pictures sent to the men at his work but it's the principal of it). And then to see he has very recently looked her up again (about the 4th or 5th time in our relationship that I have seen him look her up) it really hurts.

What would you do? How would you feel? He knows I'm upset but not sure he realizes how much this effects me.

I feel lost, alone and really hurt I love him so much, and this stings a lot

*edit* at this stage I dont want to leave, I want to be able to work past it....I just dont know how