
I am wondering if I'm pregnant or not. I have not bought a test yet and my period is suppose to be coming soon. I have no symptoms of a period though well maybe a few which leads me to be confused. Symptoms I have been having are.

1. Sleepiness the most sleep is not enough sleep.

2. Weird food cravings such as pickles and goldfish or sushi and ice cream.

3. Cramps and upper and lower back pain.

4. Frequent headaches

5. Smell have become more stronger to me such as the perfume my sister put on hurt my nose but no one else smelled it.

6. The lost for the need of caffeine I love coffee and now I feel like throwing up I prefer orange juice now.

These are some of the things I'm dealing with and I want to buy a pregnancy test but I wanted to wait to see if I miss my period first.

From your experience does it seem like I could be pregnant?

(I'm 14 I was raped and he came in me if that helps)