First “period” after Kyleena insertion

ok so i need help 😂 i try to not panic about things, but i’ve been feeling funny. i got my kyleena iud inserted on december 12th. i had little to no cramping after insertion and things for the most part have been great. light spotted/discharge, yada yada, the normal stuff. i’ve loved having it so far.

so my “period” was supposed to start on this past friday. my cramping increased quite a bit, which i chalked up to my body getting used to the iud. i tried to check for my strings and i think i found them, but since my doctor did not say anything about them, i don’t really know what i’m feeling for.

but i went to the gym on monday and my cramps became nauseating. very painful. ive been using a heating pad and meds to keep them down. but today i went to the bathroom and when i wiped, there was significantly more blood than there has been in the last several weeks.

can i chalk this up to my body just getting used to the device on my first “cycle”? should i go in to the doctor? i don’t want to seem like i’m being a hypochondriac, but i’m nervous something else is wrong. please be nice to me, i just want opinions 😂