Major Sleep Issues -Help

My baby girl is 5 months old and wakes up around 1am EVERY SINGLE MORNING, no matter when we put her to bed. She’s then up for a good 2-3 hours. She will eventually go to back to sleep but will only sleep for another 2ish hours. She naps a bit during the day, but even on the days I’ve tried regulating her naps, she still does this. We’ve even transitioned her into her crib in her own room, thinking we were waking her up and it’s still not any better. She wakes up, I give her a bottle (even tried just feeding her while she’s in her crib) and is then wide awake ready to play. Someone tell me how to correct this. I wouldn’t mind her waking up to eat of’s the being awake for a minimum of 2 hours that’s makes it so hard.