I’m so annoyed and hurting.

So I went into the doctor because my abdomen was swollen, I was in pain, hadn’t had a period for three months and last time this happened I had a cyst on my left ovary. So I went in the same cyst is still there just bigger. They say they won’t remove it unless necessary but then we start talking about things to help which is birth control, but me and my husband have been trying for a baby for about 14 months. So birth control is not an option.

So my second appointment with my Obgyn they told me I’m not ovulating. So I just knew if you aren’t ovulating you can’t have a baby, so here I am sobbing in the doctors. They did test my thyroid, it came back fine. They didn’t give me a reason why except for me being heavy.. so she just told me to lose weight and come back in 3 months. I started doing ovulation test but the line is always very faint and never grows dark. Now I’m stuck, annoyed and sad because I seriously have no idea why I can’t have a baby..

I just feel like she should be doing more or I should be finding someone who will help figure it out.