Breakthrough bleeding? Brown spotting?

Tiffini • Baby #2 coming 2024 after 3 years of infertility & treatment. Baby boy, Oliver, came 5 weeks early. 2020 baby became 2019 baby. 💙

So last month, I had an ultrasound and a transvaginal ultrasound as well. I was about cd 45-50 and they found lots of cysts on my right ovary. Well, I had slight coloration when I wiped the day prior (VERY minimal amount). After the ultrasounds, I had brown spotting. It wasn’t like my period at all- not the same consistency. I usually have brown blood before my period starts, but there was never any red. It lasted a few days, went away, then came back. I thought it was from the TV ultrasound. Fast forward to Monday, I started having this brown spotting again. I got really excited thinking AF was FINALLY coming because I’ve changed my diet to low carb, low sugar and have been EXTREMELY cautious of what I eat. I also have been taking apple cider vinegar pills. While I was really hoping it was af (at first the consistency was right) it changed to be the same as last month. I’ve been having slight cramping and a backache on my left side right above my pelvic bone. I read something about “breakthrough bleeding” for people with PCOS. I see my dr on the 23rd and am taking a blood test testing my hormones on Monday, but I wanted to know if anyone else has had this happen with PCOS.