What do you think?


Ok so I’m in a long distance marriage as my husband works abroad (hadn’t seen my hubby for 5 months) flew over on the 31st dec, the day after we had sex there was some pink blood (I was due on the 2nd jan) so I assumed my period was started and put a tampon in, no more blood. Then for the rest of the week we were having sex every day and I hadn’t got my period, the 6th I wiped and had some more pinkish gooey blood so again I assumed I was coming on and put a tampon in, the next day no blood and Iv had none since except when I wiped today the tissue was a slight tinge of pink and them morning since but I’m getting slight cramps. I’m 8 days late. Any ideas what it is? It’s way to early to even think about testing and I was due on so surely I missed my window? Iv got the period pains for days but no period