Income support reductions help?!

Just looking for information as im confused. So im on income support i have a 2 and a 7 year old, due again in february with the same father as my 2 year old. Weve had a very on and off relationship for 3 years, he lives at his mums still and has been unemployed the last year, has stayed every now and then. Were currently not together anyway. Im the one who pays for everything and always has and end up in - account eveey week to the point ive missed bills. I moved house a year ago february. Im pretty certain i let income suppoet know but i did so much paper work and change over im wonderinf if i may have missed them out! Its dropped right down to £87 for a fortnight, 2 kids and an entire house and bills to pay for i dont know how ill get by! Could this be a reason for reduction if i missed telling them i moved it would have been a complete over the head mistake i just assumed dealing with housing benefit council tax etc it all came within the same thing ive also not declared i am pregnant because my last pregnancy resulted in near desth experience for me and baby and was told i only have to inform child benefit and i havemt told anyone until hell be here and now im thinking ive messed myself up which is not what i need right now given circumstances!!