Unplanned pregnancy, abortion, confused, please help

Please help if you been in same situation so I can know I’m not alone (I know I’m never alone, others experience this but I just feel so scared/alone with this all)

I found out I’m pregnant (like5 weeks) and I don’t know what to do. This is all unplanned. This wasn’t something we planned.

I’m scared to go through an abortion but I’m also so scared to go through pregnancy

I don’t know what to do

I know babies are a blessing but I’m so scared

I’m scared to tell him, to tell my parents/family, to tell his mom/family

I was thinking of getting an abortion without telling him but I don’t know

I feel like he should know but How do I tell him

We’re in a loving relationship but I’m just really worried

( I realized I posted this twice, sorry I thought the 1st one didn’t)