Feeling defeated

I’m currently 15 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend just won’t touch me. He’s completely lost interest in me in any kind of sexual or intimate way. It just kills my self esteem. It’s been three weeks since we last had sex and it doesn’t even seem to bother him. I feel unattractive and like embarrassed about myself and my body around him. To the point where I leave the room to change, or even wear a bra 24/7 because maybe that’ll change things. A few months ago we had to have a conversation about out sex life because it was just disappointing to me. He was selfish, the only way he would touch me is if he could bend me over and finish quickly to the point where I was chaffing because he didn’t bother getting me wet enough. Things improved after we talked about it but this is just worse and I feel horrible about myself and he doesn’t seem to notice. I wake up before him in tears because I know it’s not going to change. I leave our room after he falls asleep and cry downstairs for hours. I just wish he found me attractive, because it’s to a point now where I’m just waiting for him to leave all together and find someone else he is attracted to and does want to be with. Because I just don’t think it’s me anymore.