Summer is coming!

Summer is coming! I’m so sick and tired of my body! I gave birth three months ago and it was a c section so I had to wait a while for me to start working out but I’ve been procrastinating and being LAZY and not wanting to. Before I got pregnant I weighed 225 and after I gave birth I went back to my weight and haven’t gained or lost ANY weight! I’m so confused why this is but whatever I want to lose all this weight already but have no motivation and pure laziness I will admit. I use to love myself and my body when I was weighing 180 i was feeling myself thinking I was so beautiful now I’m just feeling like a mess although my hubby makes me feel beautiful i want to feel beautiful without him telling me anything I want my confidence back! And no I’m not going to use the excuse of I just had a baby i don’t have enough time because to be honest with you i have SO much time on my hands but I just can’t get up and work out cause I’m lazy girls😭 but yet I’m not lazy to clean the house from floor to roof or I’m not lazy to wash dishes or clean my whole yard. I know this is weird I’m telling myself shit because it’s true at least I’m admitting it to myself. Anyway what I’m trying to say is how am i not gaining anymore weight if I’m not working out just eating and eating? And what kind of motivations do you guys use to work out? And also last but not least do you guys know any fast easy please EASY work out:)) please help I’m a mess! All I want it to go back to how I was flat tummy that’s it.