10/11DPO AF chart?

Brittany • PCOS Warrior! 24, 7 year old 👸 & FINALLY 🤰🏼 with BABY GIRL #2 - 06/24/2020

My chart shows ovulation as the 23rd but I believe it occurred on the 24th judging by temp spike.. I also stupidly switched thermometers mid cycle and I’m having some technical difficulties with my new one. It got up to 98.40 this morning but didn’t beep at all so I retested and it was 98.33 so I went with the first temp. It may have gotten higher but I took it out before the beep because it took so long. Ugh... I’ve already had negative tests I just don’t think it’s my month despite my symptoms. (Low back ache, intense stomach tenseness and bloating, uterine twinges and burning pains. Extreme moods etc)

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