Miserable - Advise?

Ryan • Mom of two stinky boys and a little girl 💙💚💜

So hubby and I had sex for the first time in like a month or so yesterday. The whole things was kind of awkward but much needed! Afterwards tho....there was a little bit of blood, not like I was bleeding but like I had bled at some point and I was wiping it away. Then about an hour later the contractions started. They lasted qbout 3 minites each and were about 10 mins apart. I started getting worried, I'm only 34 weeks! So I asked the hubby to run a bath for me... that seemed to do the trick. I could still feel pressure but for the most part the pain was gone.

Spent the rest of the night freaking out but then the contractions eventually stopped. Now I'm back to kind of regular Braxton Hicks and occasional, random contractions.

All of this because we had sex! Lol I wiped this morning and there was what looked like some mucus plug but instead of it being rhe normal color it was kind of a pinkish brown but it was a small piece.

Do I need to call the dr. and let them know all of this? I dont feel very concerned but that doesn't mean much lol