My response to the posts about’s long 👀


All anyone can do is just read and investigate themselves on which vaccines to administer to their children. If more parents were aware of the truth then we all could make proper choices for our families. I was one of the unfortunate parents who gave my daughter the DTap/MMR combined vaccine that her doctor said she needed when she was 12months old. My daughter developed a high fever, her ears drained and was in lots of pain just ONE hour after the shots and the symptoms lasted for 7 days then things got really scary. She lost all of her speech, she was unable to make eye contact anymore, she lost her balance all the time (she was walking super early in life, she started walking at 7 months, by 9 months she was a pro! She also started to speak around 5 months her first words were “night night dada! By 11months she was using 3-4 word sentences. She was/is our little genius). I blindly listened to what her doctor recommended because she was the professional and I trusted her and all doctors to help save lives. (Side Note-In the doctor defense she was unaware of the toxic combination which I found out later on in court. There’s health information kept from your doctors by the CDC. Found that out in court as well. It’s disgusting!) The combination shot she received changed her significantly. I stayed in denial for awhile because even though she declined suddenly and drastically. Her doctor made it a point to calm me down by telling me that this was a normal reaction after shots and she would be back to her normal self in no time. I waited around for over 7 months monitoring her to see when she would get back to herself but it never happened. We left our old doctor practice and started with a new doctor who was very vocal about how she would only give her own babies certain vaccinations and nothing more. She was the one who told me how dangerous some of the vaccines are and how she only sticks to the basics. She evaluated my daughter and listened to our story and heard my plea for someone to help our daughter. At this point my daughter had lost the ability to communicate at all. My daughter started developing new symptoms such as food allergies, not making eye contact, walking in her tip toes only, she stopped wanting to wear clothes all together because it seemed to bother her a lot, she would only drink breast milk and almond milk via bottle only she stopped eating solid food all together. She stopped responding to her name, it seemed like she just regressed in life all together and that was heartbreaking to endure as a parent because I know my child better than anyone on this earth and I was tired of being lied to by these doctors. I took matters into my own hands and did my own research and let me tell y’all it was tedious because the information did not come from the lying organizations such as the CDC case studies, etc. I had to dig into the research of vaccines in other countries such as Holland, Norway, England, Africa and areas of China, each one of these countries (actually) ALL countries aside from the USA states that it’s illegal to administer DTap/MMR combined shot for ages 12months-15months! The results of the case studies resulted in extremely high levels of Autism found in the subjects along with many other developmental delays!With that being said I went to my father who’s a Justice of the peace officer and asked if he felt I had a case and he agreed I did. I then joined a large group of other distraught parents and we actually won a large settlement from our case against the CDC and how their approval of such a toxic vaccine that they themselves test, make and distribute (which is illegal within itself due to conflict of interest) has aided in our children diagnosis of Autism. My daughter got diagnosed with Autism and MR. They wanted to start her own medications that would “help” her get back close to normal. I was told she would never be able to speak, she wouldn’t be able to walk without assistance, or be able to live without 24hr care. They wanted to push medication on her after all we had been through already! Crazy right?! So I decided not to follow doctors orders, took back my own power and stopped looking to doctors to save us (for this situation) and I thank the heavens I did do just that. I worked with my daughter everyday all day with much assistance and helpful guidance from Alta Regional of California, ABA, OTC, Jabber Jaws, and other Autistic based classrooms, my daughter begin to blossom. She now is 10 years old, completely independent, loving, talkative, compassionate, charismatic little girl I’ve ever met. She is in general Ed classes, she has lots of friends and she’s just so amazing! My advice to other parents is please do your own research and don’t limit your research to one source. Not all vaccines are bad but a good portion of them are more harmful than beneficial. Rule of thumb for my future children is I’m only giving them the vaccines I had as a baby nothing more, heck maybe even less than the ones I got. Hope this helps someone out there. We are all in this together weather you vaccinate or not. The common base is we want what’s safe for our children and US parents will do whatever WE feel is safest for our children. Vaccines or not we ALL love our babies and are doing our best with the information at hand ♥️

Also I will add for the individuals out there who may feel like I don’t know what I’m talking about- I have my teaching degree and have worked in special day classrooms with other children on the spectrum and are aware that not all children with Autism is the result of vaccinations but all the children who had the DTap/MMR shot DID have moderate to sever Autism. I am no longer a teacher. I am a RN with my BSN and I’ve worked in various areas mainly in acute care but also in CVICU, Radiation Oncology, Labor and Delivery and Postpartum care. But my hardest, most rewarding and number one job is being a mother. The degrees don’t matter because when you know something is wrong with your child, no one else can tell you otherwise.

My little love bug 😍