Has anyone backed out of IVF?

I’m 40 and we’ve been TTC for two years. Ive done one cycle of clomid without <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> and two cycles of IUIs with Letrozole and progesterone. All three failed. I’ve had one natural pregnancy but it was a chemical pregnancy. We’re scheduled for min-stim <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> next month and I’m having serious second thoughts. We are not insured for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a> at all so it’ll be $22k and we’ll need to get loans and use credit cards. This would be our one and only try. We both work for non-profits and are officially low income in Seattle...anywhere else we’d be fine. Ugh. My partner wants to start a masters program this year and that would require a big loan. Ironically, he wants to do the program to get a better job to support a family.🥺 I’m worried that he couldn’t get a school loan if we have medical debt.

Anyway, the REs (we’ve seen two) give us a 10% chance tops. They’ve been clear that it most likely would take more than one try at retrieval and multiple FETs. And the min-stim is our best option because my numbers say that they won’t get many eggs no matter what drugs I take.

My crushed heart still says there’s a chance and it’s worth a try to start a family. But my brain says that there’s such a small chance that the pain of not becoming pregnant with the insult of big bills we can barely handle is not worth the chance.

I’m mostly venting but want to know if anyone else has backed out and how you felt about it afterward.