Placenta abruption

Sabrina • Engaged stay at home mom to 👦👦👼 and 🤰🏼with my first 👧

So I had a placenta abruption with my last pregnancy at 21 weeks it was caused by a sch and no amniotic fluid, I am now pregnant again and I am 28 weeks . I am scared of it happening again I know there is like a 10-20% chance of it happening again . I have been having back pains since 21 weeks pregnant babies heartbeat and movements are good even tho at times she does like to be stubborn . I have had no complications with this pregnancy at all , my ob isn’t keeping an eye on me, just says I’m at risk for another abruption. I do see my family dr a week after I see her so maybe he will do something . I’m trying to be positive and and enjoy this pregnancy. Did anyone here else had an abruption? Did you have a pregnancy afterwards and didn’t get it? What are things either than bleeding do I need to watch out for?

I do know sometimes bleeding can get trapped so there may be no blood at all