Our birth story with a few pictures


Sorry for the long post! I love reading these so I want to share my story. My boy will be two weeks old tomorrow and my life has finally settled down a bit.

This is my fourth baby. With my first 2 babies I went into labor, with my third I was induced with pitocin due to low fluid (I was dilated and cervix was thinned)

I knew getting induced was more uncomfortable but not awful. After all babies were born I was in a little pain but nothing awful.

So with this little mister I was 39 weeks. I wasn’t dilated or thinned. My doctor said we could induce so I went for it. I went in on Jan. 1 at 8pm and they gave me a pill orally(I forget the name) about 30 minutes goes by and I’m having contractions back to back. Nothing I couldn’t handle. I’m still getting up and getting to walk and go to the bathroom by myself. 2 hours goes by and they give me the second pill. I’m dilating super slow. About 30 minutes later I’m on the edge of the bed rocking because the pain was awful. Contractions were not even giving me a 1 minute break. They then start the IV and give me some pain meds and ambien to help me “sleep”. It did absolutely nothing! I went from crying to rocking on the bed back and forth. They check me a few hours later and I’m only at a 3. I got to the point where I asked for an epidural and they said not yet because my doctor didn’t want to slow down labor and they wanted me dilated more. Nurse comes in and says I can go brush my teeth and freshen up then she will start pitocin. When she walked out the room I told my husband “seriously! Freshening up is the least of my worries” I could not function because I was tired and in pain! Then they come in and start the pitocin. Feeling drowsy from ambien and having contractions back to back is no fun. I had no energy to get through the contractions because of it. Around 8am they finally let me have the epidural. The nurses were feeling sorry for me because I was in so much pain and hadn’t slept all night! Then they checked me around 9am and I was at a 8. Around 9:15 I told my husband to get the nurse because I could feel my baby coming. (My husband caught our last baby because she just popped out, I couldn’t feel it)

nurse comes over checks me and says do not push. I kept feeling pain and pressure every time a contraction came. I finally knew what girls were talking about when they say it’s a relief to push. Resident comes in and says were waiting on doctor. He ran across the street to his office. My husband is standing behind the doctors and nurses and is mouthing to me quietly to push him out lol. Doctor finally gets there and I push 2 times softly and push one good time and baby comes out. I cried! I was so happy and thankful. Then comes the placenta which I think was bigger then baby. What a relief. After seeing my baby for a second they washed him off and my husband took over. I was one of those moms that didn’t want to really hold my baby a lot afterwards because I was in so much pain and so exhausted from labor.

Mister Slade Matthew born January 2,2019 at 9:35am. Baby weighed 7lbs 13oz

The first night we gave him formula because my husband stayed up with him and let me sleep. I wanted to breast feed and did not want him to have a bottle but I could not handle it. I can not describe how tired me and my body was.

I had one stitch and recovery was awful. The whole first 24 hours I was having contractions and they would get worse every time I breast fed. The stitches and my vagina wasn’t in pain but my body was. Contractions were almost as bad as labor contractions. (Motrin helped)

Next day my body is still sore but feeling rested and much better.

Every pregnancy is different. I use to say “well I could have a baby everyday”

Now I say if this was my first baby I wouldn’t have 4 kids. But I would do this all over to have my baby here.

I really wanted to go natural with this baby but being up over 24 hours in pain is awful. Also having contractions back to back is awful. My advice to you ladies is I know we’re all impatient to meet our babies but do not get induced unless you have too.

Here we are almost 2 weeks down the road and my little man is such a calm and alert baby. He is so good. He sleeps through the night most nights and if he does wake up it’s once around 1am. He only cries if he’s hungry or has a dirty butt. We breast feed and bottle feed with formula. We’ve had some hiccups along the way with breastfeeding but we are getting the hang of it. I’m so proud that we’ve been doing it for almost 2 weeks because with my other kids we were unsuccessful.

And let me add, that all of you single moms out there doing this on your own. YOU ARE SO AMAZING AND STRONG!

I don’t think I could have got through birth or these past 2 weeks by myself without my husband. He took off from work and he has helped me so much. He would not even go eat while I was in labor until I could eat.

Hospital pictures

A week old!

Meeting brother and sisters

Brand new checking his weight

Me looking rough but in complete amazement and so in love

Dad didn’t want another baby but he’s so proud and in love