Doesnt want me to touch or look in a box


I was over at my boyfriends house of 2 years and I had to get index cards that were next to a longish rectangle black box so I reached for the cards but I also asked whats in the box and he said dont touch it or open it and im just confused cause he tells me everything and shows me but he didnt this time. I love and trust him alot but I really am curious as in whats there in the box. NO I wont go snooping around I dont really have a reason and I respect his privacy but now Im just thinking of what could be in there that I cant look or even know about. I asked him twice whats in there but all he says is dont touch it or open it. I have no idea how long that box been there cause Ive never looked in his desk drawers? And there is no special event coming up either.