
I need some advice, my husband and I have been married for almost a year but together for three years. We have a six month old son also. We work opposite work schedules so that one of us is always home with our baby. Now he typically works 4pm-12:30am about four to five times a week. Tuesday’s and Thursday’s he is off and almost always when I get home from

Work he leaves to go hangout with friends, sometimes he doesn’t come home until 1-2am. I get it he works nights he doesn’t really get to see his friends expect for those days. Well last night he worked until 12:30 and wanted to go hangout with his buddy and said he’d be home at 2:30am I agreed because he promised he’d stay home tonight and spend time with me. I feel that I rarely get to see him, and if I do it’s for five minutes before bed or before I leave for work, or on the weekends with a bunch of other people around. I really look forward to having him to myself on Tuesday and Thursday at least once in a while. Well tonight his friend called and is having a really hard time and wanted to go out for drinks. Me looking forward to our night I made dinner put the baby to bed and cleaned up so that we could just spend sometime together. Mind you we have not had sex in like three weeks because I’m usually asleep when he comes home. Tonight I was really hoping I’d get some🙄😩but instead he goes and hangs out with his friend. I’m so annoyed because I have been waiting all week for this one night we get to spend together. But I also understand that his friend needed him. I just don’t know what to do or how to handle this situation.