Guilty and hopeless

My baby is 6 weeks and he was latching really bad so after a crazy month of extractions, formula to supplement and bad breastfeeding I started only to extract milk and use a biberon to feed him (before I was during a syringe without needle to not interfere with breastfeeding). Today I went to the nurse for the monthly check and she really depress me saying that I will never reach three month only extracting... Life will be miserable (my body will require hourly extractions) and my milk supply will surely decrease. I thought that extractions was my solution to give maternal milk but after this I feel hopeless. I do not want to give exclusively formula but I struggle a lot with breastfeeding. I do not know what to do to avoid spending 99% of my baby's awake time feeding him or extracting. I feel so guilty every second.... Any advice is more than appreciated ladies...