Have you ever had an abnormal Pap smear?


I had my second annual Pap smear done December 21st and my obgyn just called me back with my results right now. Apparently they found abnormal cells and want to follow up in 6 months. It’s just super unsettling because the results from my first pap didn’t take this long. I figure maybe it’s not that bad since they don’t want me to come back in right away? Idk I already have fucked up ovaries, so I’m just stressing out. I don’t want to have babes for a long time and I already stress about possibly and probably having difficulties. I just called my mom because like I tell her everything and we have similar reproductive organ issues, but she said she’s never had an abnormal Pap, so that made me feel even worse. Hoping you guys can give me some assurance and just wondering how common it is to have abnormal cells found in a Pap?

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