My boyfriends parents ...

Little story short when we first started dating his parents were wonderful, they all had a good bond and weren’t selfish about themselves, and actually talked to their son when he needed it,

but now they are selfish, it’s always on their terms when my boyfriend can or cannot talk to them, whenever he tries to or something little and his dad had a bad day not sure if it’s the bipolar or ptsd but he gets triggered and says things that aren’t true and gets mad, one time he just tried to talk about why he’s having a bad day and his dad was thinking the wrong way and started yelling and I told him if that happens just don’t argue back because terrible things happen if it does and he just went upstairs to be alone and next thing his dad comes to his room and flips his dresser then at some point he choked his mom and he had to pull him off her, his dad was abused when he was a kid and left home at a young age that’s where the ptsd came from but his mom said right after you are turning just like your step father and he tries to deny it, but when his dads in a bad mood he takes it out on my boyfriend and he didn’t even do anything thats what causes him not to want to be home, lately when I hear he’s in one of these moods I start to shake because he has hit him before and he always comes running to my house he came crying and speechless I just was there there to support him, and as before when his dad choked his mom right after he went to his room and punched his glass mirror then a few days later he kept telling his mom he needs to get it checked because I would barely touch it and it would hurt, when he finally got it checked he broke his hand, and he has big fists for his height but after that healed up to now, he tries to ask for money to get food or something for me, it’s always I don’t have the money, or when I get payed but never happens, and when his dad was upset last weekend he didn’t want anyone there so I asked my dad If he could stay my dad said yes but then his dad changed his mind and he wanted us at the house and his mom said I could play my PlayStation there but he was arguing he said no I don’t feel safe, and she was saying he’s in bed nothing will happen and my boyfriend said no I know what happens when hes like this and we just left, this has been going on for awhile my boyfriend is 17 he wants to move out he has a scholarship with a universal tech institute this summer I keep asking him about his living situations he would have had this job at Toyota but awhile back he got a speeding ticket on a back road and he told his dad he would just pay the fine but his dad fought it anyway and now he has two points so now he can’t get the job to save up for college, I want to be able to helo him as much as possible but his parents are bringing him down and it sometimes affects us I have asked him how he would feel if his parents divorced because they have a vow renewal coming up but they argue sometimes by miscommunication which his dad likes communication, and she’s always spending money and never saving it or is selfish about herself, he said his mom makes his dad like that because of her snappiness and where she was from but she gives her son attitudes when it’s not needed she asks sometimes is dayana worse then me, he has this look like not as bad as you only when she has her friend of the month or I annoy her by something I do, and a long time ago I used to be toxic to my boyfriend which caused us a break because I was putting a strain on him I was always being suicidal and always doing it for attention I would snap when he didn’t do anything, but now we’re back together we have learned so much so did I and my ways changed because when I was 11 I was sexually assaulted and at some point at blackmail but any way thanks for reading any advice on what he should do??