Is it rude?

MountainMist • Mountain life!

So this is probably way less controversial than some other stuff being posted in here, but I’m just curious what people think about it.

Is it rude to use a gas station’s or other store’s bathroom without purchasing anything?

Some backstory as to why I posted this: I am almost nine months pregnant. Just. Huge. There is a fully formed human - who has now dropped even lower - mushing himself onto my bladder. I was out running errands earlier and stopped at a gas station to pee because I knew I wouldn’t make it home. I went in, smiled at the girl behind the counter, and went right to the bathroom. I didn’t even bring my wallet inside because I wasn’t intending on buying anything, I’m kinda broke now anyways. Once I was done I smiled at her again when I walked out the front door. She gave me this really judgmental stare and whispered something to the guy next to her behind the counter, and he followed me outside, watched me get into my car, and drive away. His arms were folded the whole time and he looked irritated.

There were no signs up anywhere about having to be a paying customer to use the bathroom. I truly don’t think I was in the wrong here but if I go back there ever I feel like they’ll say something to me.

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