Could i be prego??


Okay so my boyfriend and I are sexually active and on dec 22nd i started my period and that whole week we had unprotected sex sometimes we would do the pull out method and sometimes we didnt. My period ended 6 days after and we kept having unprotected sex because we wanted to get pregnant. A couple of weeks later I started feeling differnet and we both just thought I was getting sick. I feel dizzy sometimes, i feel like throwing up sometimes, i have had some unusual cravings and some foods i cant stand eating, i can smell EVERYTHING and ive been getting really bloated lately so it looks like I am pregnant but i track my period every month and at the beginning of this week it said that my next period was in 3 days and two days ago we had sex and a coupld of hours later i was bleeding like if i got my period but then later on i wasnt bleeding anymore. So i waited till today and still havent gotten it. Everyone that ive told and thag knows me keeps telling me im definetly pregnant. And i bought 2 pregnacy tests and i took one rn but it came out negative... I have another pregnacy test but im going to wait another week or two to take it to see results

But what do you guys think ? I think im pregant but the results show otherwise :/

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