Almost regret getting pregnant again?....

I dont know what changed in me, but we tried for 7 months before we conceived... and suddenly I don’t want this child... as much. my son is special needs and he is a HANDFUL. I don’t know what we’re thinking. We’re also starting a legal case is MARCH/April 1st.. (I cant postpone it, it’s something for my special needs son.)

I’m due in May.... I don’t mean to be insensitive to anyone who’s having problems trying to conceive or conceive in general, I really don’t... I just don’t feel like we really didn’t think it through while trying to get pregnant and now that I’m pregnant again and over halfway through, I’m really kicking myself. I’m a SAHM & my sons disabilities keeps me busy and exhausted with therapies and just his overall day and routine etc. I don’t know. I’m just really kicking myself. I feel like I just dug myself a even further hole from ever being able to work again or not be stressed out 😫😫

Again, I don’t mean to be insensitive. I just feel like a horrible person and mother, cause I don’t want this baby as much as I did a year ago... 😫