Please help me confirm a chemical pregnancy

Early September of 2018, I was having a heavy period like usual, because my period don’t come every month so it’s usually heavy.

By the 2-3rd day into the period, I was having extreme bloating/cramping, and heavy flood to the point that pads will be dripping in 30-45minutes!

I couldn’t move much and curled up in bed with hot water pad on my tummy.

However, we had a dinner reservation and it’s right below where we were staying (same building), and so I grab some extra pads and went.

As I sat there and ate, for about 45minutes, the moment I got up, a gush of blood burst down my pants onto the floor and some ran inside my shoe. I couldn’t hold it in like urine, it just burst out... so I stood there in a pool of blood (size of a 15” Mac book pro), in bloody wet shoes... much of it is now a blur to me...

I got back to the room, in to the bathroom, stripped and throw pant and doe into the sink, water became bright red right away.

As I got into the tub, I see clumps and stream of blood running down my inner thighs... I was so scared!

Anyways, it’s been a few months now, I googled the situation and most of the results suggested that could’ve been a chemical.

I’d went to see a OB, she said it could’ve been, but there’s no way to confirm it now.
