What means more to you, Freedom or Safety?


Whilst not direct opposites, typically ones safety comes at the expense of their freedom.

Thomas Hobbes, a philosopher said Security is better as true freedom is a life living in constant fear as people can do whatever they want, they can overthrow each other very easily and living to an old age will be a challenge. However through safety usually people enforce a government rule and risks the government holding too much power resulting in ruthless dictatorships with no freedom to defend yourself.

In modern times we are seeing freedom of speech diminish, due to people wanting to feel safe through subjective hate speech.

We are seeing websites, powerful companies and media outlets ban the freedom of their customers to express their views/content due to protecting others from feeling offended, creating its own propaganda.

The freedom to raise your kids how you wish is being restricted to a set amount of rules otherwise the authorities will step in to protect the kids, in their opinion.

The freedom to own certain animals, like Pitbulls, is taken away in protection of people from suspected aggressive behaviours.

The freedom for young men to enjoy aggressive behaviours and sports, like boxing, is always under fire for being to ruthless and wish them to be banned, to protect people against themselves.

The freedom to gamble your money is taken away is some countries, to protect the person from themselves.

The freedom to genuinely criticise religious texts and doctrines is being choked into becoming hate speech, to protect the believers from so called hate speech.

I can go on and on, but what do you value more? 🤔

(I personally value my Freedom more, I understand some of you may not see it so black and white, but it is just food for thought more than anything)

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