My water broke during what?!😂

Sarah • Cooking baby#1 👶🏻. Due 1/27/19❤️

On Tuesday January 15th my water broke at home. It was a very relaxing day. My fiancé and I made a huge breakfast together, finished organizing the baby’s room, and I took a nice long shower. After my shower I asked him to shave me down below. I didn’t want hair after labor in case I needed stitches and just wanted to be cleaner. He took the time to help me after and when I was done I stood up and felt a small gush run down my legs. I thought it was water from him shaving and didn’t think much of it. Went to the bathroom, cleaned up and got dressed. This was at 2:00 PM. We were getting ready to go to a friends house so he went to warm up the car. I finished getting ready and felt another small gush. I then thought it was weird, but thought maybe I peed a little. I changed and was getting ready to head outside and felt it again. This time I just had a feeling but also felt paranoid and silly to call the doctor. I called the fiancé inside who insisted I call the doctor. They told me to come to maternity to get checked out. So I changed ...again but put a pad in this time 😂. We grabbed some towels and our bags just in case and headed to the hospital. On the way there it was happening more and I knew it was my waters. It came in small gushes. When I stood up out of the car it was a big gush and I felt very crampy. We went to the maternity floor, checked in, and I changed (there was now my bloody show on the pad) to get observed. They did a swab test and it was fluid!! I was admitted at 3:30 PM. WE WERE HAVING THIS BABY SOON!! 🙏🏻. We got all settled in and they checked my dilation...1 cm. Which I had been from 35 weeks. I was now 38+2. They started pitocin and things started pretty quickly. At first I couldn’t feel the contractions. NOW, I could!! I bounced on the birthing ball and tried to be strong through contractions. I had the epidural put in at 9:30 PM. I was exhausted and just wanted to rest. I fell asleep until about midnight. The my checked me and I was fully dilated. They said to wait until I felt like I needed to poop to start pushing. They also told me to stop upping my epidural meds. The pain became pretty rough again and I just wanted to get baby out!! At 2:00 AM I asked to start pushing. My fiancé had my one leg and my mom had my other leg. We pushed four times through each contraction. At 2:50 AM we were getting close and baby’s little head came out. And one more push she was out at exactly 3:00 AM January 16, 2019. My beautiful daughter was supposed to enter this world January 27, 2019 but I got to meet her a little early. This is my first baby and her father and I are so in love. I also fell in love with my fiancé all over again just watching them together. We’re over the moon 🌙 ✨💖.

Macy Elizabeth Schultz

6 pounds 14 ounces and 20 inches long. I can’t wait for the rest of you ladies to meet your beautiful babies.

UPDATE: Thank you all so much for your kind words and stories! Congratulations to all who have just found out they’re pregnant and thank you for sharing pictures of your beautiful babies!! Macy is now two weeks old and doing great. She’s such a good baby!

First bath!

Loving her rock and play (I highly recommend one!!!)