I’m 18 and sexually active. I use the patch as a form of birth control and have used it to skip my period. Recently, I missed my switch date, and decided to have my period. I started my period between Friday night and Saturday morning. This morning, I woke up with awful cramping pains, worse than ever before. It was like the worse cramp I’ve ever x10. I decided to take shower, thinking that the hot water would help relieve some of the pain, and I took some midol to help with the cramps. I was in so much pain though, that I got on my knees and held myself up by my elbows and the pain continued to get worse and worse, and then this came out of me. It was far too big to be a blood clot, but I don’t know what it could be. I think it could’ve been a miscarriage, but I don’t know for sure. Can someone give me thoughts on what this might be?