What’s too early?!



Hey guys ! I was wondering what is too early to test ? I know it’s too early now but I’m so anxious and we’ve been TTC for 6+mths . Im not sure how hard it will be now that I’m 39 . I’ll be 40 feb 25th. My breast ( mostly the nipples ) have been so sore , but what’s so odd is they were sore 2 days after we tried . That’s way too early imo. I would only be a week pregnant if I am . My af is not due till feb 1st so I shouldn’t have symptoms correct ? We’ve been using the opk and we start trying 4 days prior up until the actual ovulating day . I’m praying to God I am 😩🙏🏼

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Earliest to test is 8dpo, but very few would have implanted by then. 84% of implantations happen between 8-10 DPO, then need a couple days for HCG to build to testable levels. Waiting til 12-13 days DPO is best. Then you also aren’t creating all the stress around repeated early testing- which can’t be good for your body when trying to conceive. So... enjoy life, don’t pay attention to all these new “signs” you’ll be finding, and have some patience. Truly, better for you.