Pregnancy after Mirena removal



Hello all! So I’m super excited because my husband and I just found out we are expecting! My concern is the following...I had my IUD removed December 18th. We had sex on the 13th and now I have found out sperm can live inside of you for 7 days. I got a light but consistent bleed on December 19th-23rd but I’m not sure if that was my period. My Clear Blue Advanced Digital says I peaked January 7th. I tested on January 10th and the Clear Blue Pregnancy year was negative. I had a small amount of blood when I went to the bathroom January 18th and tested positive for pregnancy yesterday. We are super excited but I can’t stop thinking of there could be any chance I could have gotten pregnant from having sex on December 13th. I just want to make sure little one is healthy and I’m concerned. My brain says I conceived after January 7th and that the 18th was implantation bleed but I thought I would ask for other opinions. Thank you in advance

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I got pregnant my first cycle off the iud and my son is now 9 days old. I think you should be ok. The chance if miscarriage is still pretty low.


Freya • Jan 22, 2019
Yea it’s unlikely you conceived in December based on your cycle. It was probably your period


Sarah • Jan 22, 2019
I guess I’m just concerned if I conceived in December. My thought is I conceived around January 7th which would make sense with the 18th being and implantation bleed but I’m just not sure if the bleeding in December was my period. I would imagine the pregnancy test on January 10th would have been positive if I conceived in December around the time I got my iud removed