Bfp using CBFM and BBT


I looked everywhere for a post like this so I’m posting my experience.

I used the clearblue fertility monitor to track ovulation. I also bought a BBT thermometer the month I conceived. I tracked both for one month and my hubby and I DTD on my first peak and second peak (we used preseed on 2nd day only).

Tracking my BBT was a life saver. It confirmed ovulation on first peak day. My temps stayed high except for a dip in cd5-6 which i wasn’t concerned about. On CD14 when my temp shot up even more, i new i was pregnant.

I think y’all will save yourself a lot of anxiety over testing and ovulation if you temp. If you’ve ovulated and your temp stays high for 14-18 dpo take a test at that point. If your temp drops during those days, AF is on the way.

**I highly recommend researching how to track your BBT. Because even though your opk says “peak” that doesn’t mean you will ovulate! Temping for a full cycle will confirm it.

Hope this helps!