Anyone on pip? I NEED HELP...


Soo, I’m autistic, also have really bad depression and anxiety and I don’t work as I struggle with busy places, speaking to people I don’t know etc, I’ve been on pip for like the last 4/5yrs and not had any problems at assessments and stuff, but I had my assessment in September/October time, and she’s literally wrote so much stuff that isn’t true and they’ve sent me a letter saying my pip has been stopped 🙄 in the letter it says how I’m not on any medication anymore, I don’t have help off doctors or specialist which isn’t true, I’m waiting for an appointment to see a psychologist and in constant contact with my Dr, she also wrote that my mental health was better and nothing was wrong which is nowhere near the case? I’m also on 3 different lots of tablets! I’ve appealed it, just wondering if anyone knows how long it will take? Also, it says it’s been cancelled on the 14th, I’m due to be paid on Thursday, will I still get paid the last 3 or so weeks or has it stopped and won’t get anything else?