Birth story.. February 14th baby turns into January 20th Baby
My Birth story was very traumatic for myself I'm a FTM and all I ever wanted was to have a vaginal birth...
It all started when I was 34 weeks pregnant i started to have regular contractions I went to L&D they confirmed I was in early labor at this point i was 1cm 50% effaced they went on for the next two weeks. I was in and out of L&D for these contractions which were not changing my cervix or effacement but they were painful. On January 17th I went to sleep and I swear I had the most heavenly sleep I've had my whole pregnancy didnt wake up once slept through the whole night I even slobbered all over my pillow it was that good. Woke up on the 18th felt amazing I felt so rested had a bath and started my day. Went out with my husband and just had a fantastic day. That night I started to feel lots of pressure in my pelvic area and my contractions had started up again of course I was already used to these pains so it was nothing new to myself. I woke up the morning of the 19th went to my living room and started watching Investigation discovery my favorite channel I can binge watch any tv show on the ID channel lol. I had started to watch my worst nightmare then I started to feel pains in my vagina so after 2 episodes I decided I would go have a bath so I got up kissed my husband and started to head upstairs once I got to the top I felt like I had pee'd myself. I thought omg how could I just let my bladder go like that so I continued to our bedroom to get my bath stuff then a big gush came and I knew my water broke so I rushed down the stairs and told my husband we needed to go now. He had no clue what I was talking about until he seen my wet pj shorts lol. Then we rushed out the door without any of our bags good thing we live 5 mins from the hospital. Once we arrive we are sent to triage to be assessed they swabbed my underwear which confirmed my waters were broken the doctor came in to talk to me and checked my cervic I was still only 1cm 50% effaced but she said they were gonna admit me anyways because I was only 36 weeks and my water was broken.
We were then lead back to our room were I was hooked up to monitors and the doctor came in to go over plan at this point I wasnt in active labor so she said they will wait 12 hours before they induce me so the waiting game started I was admitted at 2pm and when 2am came along it had been 12 hours with no progress so they started me on my iv drip by 9am I was having full out contractions I had no grace period in between it was one after another at this point they decided it was best I get my epidural now. So I got my epidural and to my luck it didnt work I felt everything. After about 30 minutes of these contractions my babys heart rate started dropping with every contraction. They had me in all these positions as they thought she was on her cord. The doctor said she would talk with the surgeon she came back shortly after saying my only option was a C-section as my baby wouldnt make it through labor and I've only dialted 3cm and was still 50% effaced. So within minutes me and my husband was were in the OR I was being prepped and my angel entered this world at 11:12 am on January 20th 2019
Weighing 6lbs 12oz
After almost 18 hours after my water broke.
She is the most perfect baby ever.
This was not my birth plan but everything happens for a reason.
Lillian Gail Patricia

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.