Nervous & Excited!

smc • 💙💙🕊🌈

So, I’m 37 weeks exactly today. Had my appointment yesterday, was told I can get induced next week if I wanted and I’m so ready to meet my boy I might go for it!

I have another appointment Tuesday, he’s checking my cervix & waiting for all my labs from my other hospital to be sent over so we can figure out when we can start!😊

He says I have a good sized baby in here! Was such happy news to hear 😆😻

Does getting your cervix checked feel weird? lol I’m a FTM. I’ve never had a PAP smear or anything, in Canada they don’t do it until you’re 21. (I’m 20) Also, can I have two forms of pain medication? 😂 Like can I have laughing gas for the first few hours, then get the epidural? or what. Idk 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

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Posted at
this will be my third induction, i had emergency induction @ 38 weeks with my first for hypertension, elective induction @ 38 weeks 6 days w/ my second & im having another elective induction @ 39 weeks with my third. ive never thinned or dilated on my own with any of my pregnancies and my first was 8lbs 3oz, second was 6lbs 12oz & my third their estimating to be 8lbs+


Ma • Jan 23, 2019
i was 17 with my first, 18 with my second & im 21 now with my third 🤷🏽‍♀️


Posted at
Unless there a medical issue I wouldn’t get induced early. My first baby 38+3 naturally.


Posted at
Happy for you. But why would they induce you at all instead of letting labour come on its own? Do you have any medical issue?