One cheek bigger than the other


Okay so I may be looking into this too much, but I’ve noticed the past month one of my sons cheeks is much chubbier than the other. I never really notice it when he’s laying down, but now that he’s upright more and trying to sit in noticing it a lot. He sleeps on his back at night and tends to side sleep, but on the chubby cheek side, would make more sense if it were the flat side! He is a tummy sleeper for naps.

I shouldn’t google search but I have and now I’m concerned. Does anyone else’s LO have something similar? I’m going to take him to the doctor for piece of mind but it’s been more noticeable the past month so it’s concerning me.

It’s quite noticeable here as he’s sitting (Selfie mode so it’s switched sides on the right )

But then another angle where he’s reclined you can’t see it as much. (Front facing camera on the left )