Was the Shettles Method accurate for you?

Apparently having sex 5 or so days before you ovulate means you’ll have a girl. Having sex about 3 or less days or on ovulation day means you’ll have a boy. Was this accurate for you? Or do you believe that just male sperm actually decides the gender?

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Anyone who doesnt believe the male sperm decides the gender is wrong. Thats basic biology that it does. The time you have sex has no influence over the gender of your baby. To answer the question, I had sex the day of ovulation and am having a girl. No, it didnt work because it's a bunch of huey that doesnt work


Posted at
Shettles has been studied and debunked by scientists.


Posted at
I have a boy and a girl and another boy on the way. My husband and I had sex all the time while trying and had sex before ovulation and on ovulation day(for two babies) the shuttle method is not effective. Its the mans sperm that decides the gender of the baby not a method.


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It's the sperm that's why at sperm banks you can choose which one has high male or female in it


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I thought duplicate posts were against the rules?