Battling a cold! (Just ranting)



Why do I have to catch a cold less than 3 weeks before my due date?!!!

And these BH contractions are getting stronger and more frequent.

And it feels like the baby is stabbing my cervix!

And my tail bone hurts like if I fell and landed hard on my butt.

And my crotch feels like I got kicked real hard.

And the baby feels like he is playing soccer in there.

And I just needed to rant. 🤣😩😂🙄😩

I’m glad I can get on this app and whine as much as I want. Feel free to comment with your own rants😉.


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Posted at
Battling a terrible cold. Cannot sleep due to congestion and drainage. All my muscles hurt. Sucks big time, just trying to stay positive itll be gone before baby arrives.


Posted at
Same here! There should be some kind pf evolution that prevents pregnant women from getting sick.Two weeks ago caught the stomach bug that was going around now this cold where I can barely sleep. And then they tell you just get some rest.


Posted at
Me tooooo. I’ve had a cold since last Friday and I’m at the point where it could turn into a sinus infection if I’m not careful. Blahhhh


Posted at
Sale girl I have a nasty cold! No voice and feeling like total shit! Thankfully drinking water has helped my throat so I’ve been chugging it, but it freaking sucks all over. Plus my husband is sick too and complains about how bad he feels and I just roll my eyes because I’m pregnant tired AND sick tired!!