Compliance officer. Please read.. 👏🏻

Long post please read..

I’m so stressed and down about this situation.

Ok a company I use to work for years ago had put money into my account on two occasions by mistake, I give the money back both time and have proof I have. I calm benefits so obviously it has flagged up on the system something fishy was going on (obviously not the case)

So I have the compliance officer at my house she was lovely explained to me what had happened. I told her everything, showed her that the money was put back etc. Was happy enough with what I had said.

She told me she was be in contact with the company happy enough & she told me to ring them and let them the story and what is happening. Done that.

4 Months later nothing!!! The company won’t get back to them, so I rang today and got a really rude woman saying it’s wasn’t there company fault and they will send me out information and for me to forward it on. I was like no it was your teams mistake nothing to do with me. See also said “ oh I see an email here I might reply in the morning to them”

Is there anything I can do? Like go to my solicitor over this? I’m so down and stressed and I know 100% I have done nothing wrong they just won’t own up too it.