welcome him at 38weeks


so I got up Thursday 17th went clinic an was getting some pains as I wait to see my doctor.. night before I had sex an for some reason baby wasn't moving up as how he normally do .. so I told my doctor which informed me dat with all my ups an down due in the pregnancy they would like to induce .. so they started with a sweep an so mins after I started getting contractions an was check only to be 3cm.. so they got me prepared an put on labor ward so my midwives can keep there eyes on me.. about 4pm I was checked an only 5cm so my doctor said let's start the induce meds .. the back pain was the worst at about 4.45 I was checked an at 7cm I just wanted to cry cause it was moving so slow an the pain was so bad .. with in some mins I told my mid wives I need to push .. all tell me is not time but my body was pushing an by 5.06pm .my son made his arrival in the world

omg my 1st boy I feel so great to hold him after so long of wondering

I had him the 17th of January 5.06 9lb 2oz l just in love