When should I test? ( read before answering)

Chelsea • 21 y/o 🤘🏾 1 miscarriage 💔👶🏾 ttc 4ys

I’m pretty sure I ovulated this weekend and I’m almost 7 dpo and I’m going insane for this tww!! I have one free test that I got with my opks I bought. I’m going to order some amazon hcg cheapies tomorrow but it’s killing me not to use this test but I don’t wanna see a negative but the strangest thing happened at work. 🤦🏾‍♀️ I fell straight to sleep and was snoring. I don’t fall asleep that quick or that easily... ( I got a positive opk Friday night) I wanna year in the morning so I can get this out the way and wait for my strips to come but at this point I feel like I can’t wait.... should I go ahead and test in the morning so I won’t lose my mind or should I just wait until I get the strips in the mail? And has anyone ever tested early and got a faint positive?

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