Help please


I have a boyfriend we been knowing each other for 1 year and 8months but just started dating, me and him are total opposites and not intersted in some of the same things. He like the cute nerd and im the known girl around school he is very good at sex and makinh me smile and i love how he makes me nervous when i see him but sometimes he goes days without texting me but always has a reason and he doesnt post me on social media and doesnt like being posted but the other day he gave a girl a shout out and honestly i got jealous one because she was beautiful and looked way better then me and im trying to build my self confidence. Should i worry or take his word ? Ive asked people around me for advise and they say leave him but my mom always said if you truly love someone you dont give up you try to work things out and get better. What should i do?