Double Ovulation?

Mino • after 12yrs of TTC, 6 babies lost, 🌈#1 baby born 10/19’ 🌈, #2 baby born 4/21’, 🚼 #3 baby born 10/22’, expecting #4 due 6/24’💕 God is good 😊

Sooo on CD 14 I took an Opk and thought it was positive, after that i started feeling light head, cramping and twinges often in the ovary area, yesterday I tested again because I was having a lot of pulsing needle like pain in the ovary area and was thinking oh god it’s implanting in my tube again 😩 but then I check and it’s positive, the first test and third test were taken 4 days apart, I’m at a loss as to what’s happening really, I’m also temping although i missed like a day in between! What do you ladies think?