Sex still hurts

Hey August mothers I’m just getting concerned that my vagina is literally broken, it hurts so bad is this still normal? Does sex hurt still?

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Posted at
I had a c-section and still find sex uncomfortable. We’ve probably tried about five times and only just recently can I say that my pain level was only a little (vs. moderate). Lube totally helped.


Shayna • Jan 26, 2019
I was surprised too! I never got to push (never dilated last 7 cm) so I figured there really wasn’t any reason I’d have pain.


Tiffany • Jan 26, 2019
C-section here too. I was sooo surprised it hurts so bad. I was thinking I had it easy until my doctor gave the all clear and thankfully warned me!


Posted at
Omg this is TMI, but such a big deal and I know you all will understand - I had my first postpartum orgasm last night!It still hurt at first, but then I was able to relax and finally enjoy things!I think my pelvis may have shifted during pregnancy and not gone back and I plan to ask my doctor about it because certain positions def still hurt. I’d speak to your doctor if you’ve tried many times with no luck. We definitely had to work to get things back in “working order”. And I was starting to get discouraged, but then out of nowhere I gave it another go and I’m so glad I did! Good luck!
Omg this is TMI, but such a big deal and I know you all will understand - I had my first postpartum orgasm last night!It still hurt at first, but then I was able to relax and finally enjoy things!I think my pelvis may have shifted during pregnancy and not gone back and I plan to ask my doctor about it because certain positions def still hurt. I’d speak to your doctor if you’ve tried many times with no luck. We definitely had to work to get things back in “working order”. And I was starting to get discouraged, but then out of nowhere I gave it another go and I’m so glad I did! Good luck!Omg this is TMI, but such a big deal and I know you all will understand - I had my first postpartum orgasm last night!It still hurt at first, but then I was able to relax and finally enjoy things!I think my pelvis may have shifted during pregnancy and not gone back and I plan to ask my doctor about it because certain positions def still hurt. I’d speak to your doctor if you’ve tried many times with no luck. We definitely had to work to get things back in “working order”. And I was starting to get discouraged, but then out of nowhere I gave it another go and I’m so glad I did! Good luck!


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I'm too afraid to find out... I won't even let him try.


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If your breastfeeding that makes you dry. Try some lube and you on top. That works best for me and my hubby


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I can’t recommend pelvic floor physio enough. I had a third degree tear and some positions were even painful for me prior to pregnancy. Now I have zero pain. It’s intense therapy and takes a long time but is SO worth it.


J • Jan 25, 2019
Interesting I mentioned pain to my dr and she said it might just take more time, I had never heard about this though so I’ll have to bring it up if it continues another month I guess, Thankyou to both of you who mentioned this!


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I wouldn't say for me that it hurts, just when he first goes in I feel really tight but once he's in I'm fine.


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I haven’t had any issues, but I have two c-sections, so it’s probably different. I’ve heard amazing things about the pelvic floor adjustments (I think that’s what it’s called...). I’d definitely talk to your doctor!


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So this is my second baby and it hasn’t hurt at all but I can tell you with my first (who was born via a vacuum) it hurt up to a year.