7-10 DPO Symptoms lessened?


7 DPO I started having a lot of gas, some constipation, light nausea, peeing frequently

8DPO 1 dizzy spell, headaches, fatigue(abnormally), left side ovary area pain

9DPO, sharp shooting pain left breast, pin size random pulling/ pain around my bellybutton, and my breasts are still tender.

10DPO, today it seemed as though the symptoms all lighted, or went away. My breasts are still tender, early afternoon fatigue, very light nausea, and very short headache. I took a pregnancy test, and BFN. I also lost my appetite today.

I know it’s still early, but I’m concerned. I felt so sure that this was it.

Anyone have a similar situation?

AF in 5 days...