New allergies?


So I'm not sure if this is just happening to me but in my first trimester I hated peanut butter to the point where it tasted like burnt cardboard. So I hadn't touched it since before I was pregnant and now in my third trimester I figured why not try peanut butter again. So last week I had peanut butter toast for the majority of the week for breakfast and I was also having some issues with my hands being red and itchy as all hell as well as being super hot. The peanut butter was the only thing that I had changed in my diet so this week I decided to do an experiment and haven't touched peanut butter or peanuts at all and guess what no red hot itchy hands. So now I'm thinking that I'm allergic to peanuts now? Is this even a thing? I talked to my Midwife today about it and she had never heard about it happening to anybody but I guess there's always a first for everything. I did take Benadryl the first time it happened and the itch went away so makes me wonder if baby is going to be allergic to peanuts. Myself and my husband are allergy free.