This guy!!!


So my mom says I'm not aloud to date till I'm 16 but I really want to date this guy I have known him for 1 year and he likes me and I like him what do I do!!!

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I’d say talk to himStay closeBuild it upMaybe even have a little secret relationshipBut not enough to get caught and cause dramaEvery girl has had a secret relationship before they were allowed to date. Just keep it super DL and make sure you take your time.


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Date him privately we've all done it 🤷🏽‍♀️


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This is tricky because you don't wanna miss the chance and you don't want drama in your household, especially if you can control it. I'd stay friends and let him know how you feel. That way, when you're allowed to date, he might've been waiting for you. Be sure, though. I'm 17 and I recommend waiting until you know yourself, truly. I've been dating and doing things with boys since I was 12 and I regret it. I wish I would've focused on myself. I wish I would've been careful with my time, effort and energy, because if I did, my fiance wouldn't be dealing with my screwed up emotions, that other people caused. I also recommend waiting until you have hobbies or other things to do. I love my fiance but I'm still figuring out what I wanna do, yet he knows what he wants to do and already does it. If you only have him to think about and revolve things around, you might interfere with his hobbies since you'll always wanna be with him. This is all based off experience. It may be personal and I don't know you, but I wouldn't want anyone to feel like they should've waited. Just be sure. Protect your emotions (and body) and make sure you always know the intentions of those you surround yourself around.


An • Jan 24, 2019
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic since we're typing over an app, but if you're being sincere, I'm glad I was able to help. You can message me anytime if you ever wanna talk or have any questions :)


Makenna • Jan 24, 2019
Thanks that makes me feel much better


Posted at
This is bad but go for it hun dating in secret is hawt


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I wasn’t allowed to date but I really liked this guy and he was so sweet, he liked me as well and a few weeks later asked me out. I said yes because I always choose idiot boys to be with but this guy was different. A month later, I had two of my friends on speaker phone and my mum was sitting next to me and my friend said something like “now that you have a boyfriend” and my parents were disappointed but nearly two years later, my parents love him, I love his family, my family love how happy he makes me so I would say go for it, as long as you handle your relationship maturely and don’t give your parents any reason to not trust you, you should be good